Benefits of Laughter For Health - benefitsit


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Benefits of Laughter For Health

Benefits of Laughter For Health - Benefits of laughter are often overlooked by many people because they are considered to have no function in health or in psychological. Most people think that laughing can only get a person out of his tiredness. But the benefits of laughing not only that, laughing it has an impact on health. Health impacts are often not realized by many people. In times of difficult conditions like today, many people choose sullen than laugh.

Effect Pout

Pout has a negative impact on health. The cause is :

  • When scowling, the muscles in the brain and facial skin also shrink.
  • Easily occur aging on the skin and also the nerves of the brain to shrink.
  • People pout most easily stress. Excessive hormone cortisol in the body can create stress protracted.
  • The hormone can cause hypertension, increased blood sugar and the immune system decreases.
  • Epinephrine hormone will also be excreted. This hormone causes many people insomnia.
  • People who insomnia will look older.
  • In happy or sad condition, try to laugh. But do not laugh alone, if laughing yourself many people who would think you are exposed to mental and mental disorders.

Benefits of laughter Laughter is an expression of one's happiness can arise spontaneously without being engineered. Laughter can be used as the best medicine for health, a person's psychic condition and the best medicine for the liver. Laughter is also identified with a sense of happiness that is inside a person. For example, when he reaches for something, he will laugh and not just smile.

Together with close friends and best friends, one can easily laugh with his release without burden. Laughter has many benefits, especially for a person's psychic condition. To make the psychic healthier and better, laugh often. A healthy psychic condition will make the condition of the body to be healthy as well.

Lots of benefits from laughing that is not known by many people. If many people know what are the benefits of laughing, of course they will choose to laugh rather than scowl. Problems in life are many. But it would be nice if we do not react with sullen, because pout can cause new problems for life. Here are the various benefits of laughing:

Makes Better Feelings
Laugh a lot to do with a person's psychic. When someone laughs, his feelings will feel better. When we are stressed and overwhelmed, then there is our friend who can make us laugh. We can laugh freely and feel our feelings better.

Laughter Can Change Bad Mood Being Good Mood
When someone is lazy to do the activity, his laughter always want to cranky thing it signifies if he was hit by bad mood. A bad mood will affect one's activities. Suddenly so lazy and grumpy is the characteristic of people exposed to bad mood. When a person is hit by a bad mood and someone can make him laugh, that person will change his mood for the better. So he forgot the bad mood that had hit him.

Preventing Stress
One of the most obvious benefits of laughter is to prevent stress. The stress hormone will not attack people whose feelings are always happy with laughter. When laughing stress hormones such as epinephrine and cortisol will decrease as you laugh. Here are the bad effects of both hormones:

  • Lowering the body's immune system, thus making the body vulnerable to disease.
  • The hormone epinephrine and also cortisol can make a person susceptible to infection.
  • It worsens health.
  • If both hormones are dominant in the body, the result is both hormones can inhibit the release of the hormone prolactin, insulin and also thyroid. These three hormones, have the opposite function of both hormones.

Eliminate Sorrow
One of the benefits of laughing is to get rid of sadness. Life is a lot of things that can not be expected by humans. If humans are sad, laughter is one of the keys to eliminating and overcoming sadness. With a laugh will get the mind calm, quiet and comfortable soul.

Current Blood Flow
When someone laughs, it's the same as he's circulating blood in his body. With a laugh, muscle and blood vessels will nervous. That way the blood circulation becomes smooth. In contrast to the pout, scowl will cause the nerves muscles and blood vessels also narrow. The result is that various diseases will arise.

Make Self Confidence Rise
When someone makes a joke using you as an object and you also laugh, it will benefit you. The advantage is to keep you from being grumpy, no matter how bad a joke they make. You laugh with them means you also have strong confidence, because you can laugh at yourself.

Burn Calories
Calorie is something that can make the body become fat and unhealthy. The miraculous benefits of laughing is that laughter can burn the calories in our body. No half-hearted, calories burned as much as 10-40 calories in 15 minutes.

Laughter can also cause other people to be healthy with us. The reasons are as follows:
  • There's no way we're laughing ourselves, we must be laughing with friends.
  • With us laughing, we can pass our laughter to others.
  • By laughing with us, the stress they experience will be lost. So they also come healthy.
  • Giving Positive Thoughts
  • By laughing, we have instilled positive thoughts within us. That's because by laughing, we can eliminate the feelings of anger, irritation and negative thoughts within us.
Eliminate Feelings of Fear
When we laugh, we can turn the fear into a feeling of wanting to face the challenge. Turning fear into a challenge can make us no longer afraid of the challenge.

When laughing, the diaphragm muscles in the heart also move. The result is a heart muscle diaphragm that moves will make the heart more healthy.

Has Longevity
Age is in the hands of God and we never know how long we are in this world. But a number of facts found that people who are easy and often laugh much healthier than people who pout. That's because laughter can make healthier body and soul.

Reducer Blood Sugar Levels
For people with diabetes, can lower blood sugar levels with laughter. The trick is as follows:

Laughing freely can affect the neuroendocrine system.
Neuroendocrine system that works optimally can accelerate the decrease in sugar levels in the body.

By laughing together, we can improve relationships in the social environment. Both in the work environment, home environment and in the social environment. Most people like people who are easy to laugh compared to people who are hard to laugh with.

Eliminate Feelings of Emotion
When we fight with others but afterwards we laugh. Apparently we will be affected by a large psychological impact. That's because laughter can make the emotional muscles become weak and not tense back.

Increases Memory
Laughter can improve memory in one's memory. The cause is a laugh can cause the flow of oxygen to the brain to be smooth. That way, an adequate supply of oxygen makes memory and memory a person increases.

Laughter is one of the therapies that we can do for free. When we stress try laughter therapy, when bad mood try laughter therapy. Certainly for laughter therapy we do not have to pay it.

Stay young
Another bonus when we often laugh is to make it become more youthful. No need to care to the salon for ageless, we laugh enough then we will stay young. The cause is when laughing, stress will be lost. People with low stress can stay young.

The benefits of laughter is quite surprising indeed for health, but this trivial activity can we do regularly right? It would not hurt us to do it.