The Benefits Of Eggs For Anemia Patients - benefitsit


Friday, September 1, 2017

The Benefits Of Eggs For Anemia Patients

The Benefits Of Eggs For Anemia Patients - Eggs are animal products, especially poultry, which has become very commonly consumed daily. Eggs can be an alternative food in addition to meat to meet the protein intake in the body. Besides the price is cheaper, eggs are also very easy to process. Plus eggs contain enough nutrients to serve as the main course at breakfast.

Egg Calories Protein Fat Iron Vit. A
(cal) (g) (g) (mg) (IU)
Whole eggs 80 6 6 1.0 260
Egg yolks 65 3 6 0.9 310
Egg white 15 3 a little bit 0
Fried eggs 85 5 6 0.9 290
Boiled eggs 80 6 6 1.0 260

In addition to the content displayed on the table, the eggs also have other ingredients such as:

  • vitamin D
  • Vitamin E
  • vitamin B6
  • vitamin B12
  • riboflavin
  • folic acid
  • potassium
  • calcium
  • Phosphor
  • Protein

Research reveals that the nutrients present in eggs can provide health benefits such as nourish the eyes, maintain pregnancy, maintain brain development, nourish the skin, and which will be discussed in this article is the benefits of eggs for anemia.

The Benefits of Eggs for Anemia

Anemia is a condition in which the body lacks red blood cells or hemoglobin. It is this hemoglobin that binds and carries oxygen in the blood throughout the body. By decreasing the amount of hemoglobin than the body automatically can lack oxygen. Usually, the symptoms of anemia are marked by Tired. The red blood cells themselves are produced in the bone marrow.

Health experts say that anemia sufferers need more iron intake to increase hemoglobin production. But people with anemia are at risk of not being able to absorb iron perfectly. It is caused by inflammation or inflammation.

Proper nutritional intake can help anemic patients increase the amount of hemoglobin in the body while helping to relieve inflammation. One menu that can be selected is the egg. Iron content in eggs is not comparable with the content of iron in red meat, but the eggs are powerful enough to relieve inflammation. This is because eggs contain vitamin A benefits that work very well to relieve inflammation.

In addition to animal products, iron can also be found in vegetables such as spinach. People already know the benefits of spinach for anemia but actually other than high iron spinach also contains phytic acid. Phytic acid is a substance that can inhibit the absorption of iron in the body. In addition to phytic acid, calcium can also inhibit the absorption of iron by the body. So instead of drinking anemia patients are also more advisable to drink orange juice because one of the benefits of vitamin C can help the body absorb iron.

Excessive Egg Consumption Risks

Although eggs are very good for people with anemia, keep in mind that consuming eggs in excess can actually bring other health problems. Cholesterol content found in egg yolk is not good if consumed in excess. Actually just consuming one egg every day on a regular basis is enough to get optimal results.

Also, consume eggs that are still raw is also not recommended. In raw eggs, it is possible there are bacteria that can cause salmonella diarrhea. By heating, the eggs can kill the bacteria so that the eggs are safer for consumption. You do not need to worry because the content of vitamin A and iron in eggs will not necessarily disappear during the heating process.

How To Properly Treat Eggs For Anemia

For people with anemia, there is a better way to treat eggs to help increase the production of red blood cells in the body. The tricks include:
  • Prepare one egg yolks, it is recommended chicken egg yolks.
  • Cook enough water to boil.
  • After boiling water, boil the egg yolks with 60 grams of red onion until cooked.
  • Lift and drain.
  • To get maximum results, regular consumption at least 2 days.
Chicken eggs are not hard to find. Because the price is also very affordable, you can directly enter the egg into the daily menu as a source of iron, vitamins, and protein. Although anemia sufferers may consume chemical drugs such as supplements, health experts will be advised to get iron from a more natural daily food intake.

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